The session spans up with Sam Santhosh introducing Pranay Lal and it was followed by Lal sharing his thoughts and experiences while writing his book ‘INDICA’ which clearly talks about the natural history of Kerala. Pranay Lal speaks about how picturesque landscape Kerala Possess geographically and how rich Kerala’s tradition is, “I have compiled anecdotes from my experiences say’s Pranay Lal.
The colours and nuances of various aspects of Kerala history had been explored by Pranay Lal through his several works said Sam Santhosh.
Lal opines that academic books on natural history are blunder and it cannot be relied upon blindly as it doesn’t testify many facts deeply. “The works of natural history should be simple so that people can digest it easily”, opined Lal.
The main reason for the tropical climate of Southern India is primarily because of the Palakkad Pass where the exchange of breeze and wind happens between land and the sea. Without a predator the wild is never sexy and coming to Indian dinosaurs ‘RAJASAURUS’ was a big discovery, though it was never close to the predator nature of T-Rex. The session ended up summing up how India had magnificent dinosaurs history.