"I tried to act `normal` for 20 years," Lena confessed. The discussion on the book `Autobiography of God` between Lena and Lijeesh Kumar became a distinct experience at the Kerala Literature Festival. According to Lena, `abonormalities`, albeit minimal, are integral to each and every individual`s persona, and therefore she tried to `act normally` for 20 years. She stated her own explanations for writing the book and urged people not to indulge in any kind of substance abuse to attain spirituality and peace of mind; instead, she asked the audience to try meditation and yoga. Lena explained the details about her book publication, including the publishers, Penguin Books as well as DC Books. Lena shared that Malayalam, to her, is a difficult language, and she has not been able to translate her book into it. That made her seek a translator to translate.The session was followed by an interactive discussion with the audience.