In an interesting session that took place in the 7th edition of Kerala Literature Festival held in Kozhikode, writer Vinil Paul talked about the use of photographs as a reference to interpret history in a more accurate manner. He talked about many well known personalities who captured the photograph of the past that transcended through time to serve as evidence to the history we see today. The only way to complete the history of Kerala, would be through the collections of photos of the past, where they used to take photos of natives while measuring their body proportions, which then was used to compare with those of British people and which was used to label the native as `wild animals`, writer said in displease. One more thing the session highlighted was the photos showing the privileges of people from different castes and background. The privileged "upper-caste" would wear clothes while the rest would not even stand a chance. "This method was followed to show dominance over the underprivileged", he lamented. Similar was the case with the use of the term `salt`. The lower caste were not even allowed to even utter the word salt. The session concluded with the floor being opened for audience interaction. The author further added that this method of decoding the history through photos were not approached by many as most of the photos are with British.