During the Kerala Literature Festival, Appupen, an AI artist, said, "There is no going back from here. Instead, going further is the only solution." This statement was made during a conversation with Jibu Elias and Krish Ashok, focusing on the topic `AI Unleashed: Creativity, Generative AI, and the Ethics of Deep Fakes.`
In the discussion about AI`s effects, the speakers explored the idea that AI meeting humans` need for attention might contribute to a loneliness crisis. Appupen mentioned, "Human`s general craving for attention can be met by AI, supporting the precipitation of a loneliness crisis. This could escalate into more significant problems, like the creation of concepts such as a virtual girlfriend impacting real-life relationships." This response addressed Krish Ashok`s concern about the potential loneliness crisis caused by AI.
During the discussion, speakers explored the changing role of AI, its influence on creativity, and the challenges of combating deep fakes, especially during elections. The conversation emphasized the necessity for regulations and ethical considerations, addressing concerns such as security and generative art. Jipu Alias highlighted the importance of establishing clear redlines and regulations, citing China as an example, advocating for measures like algorithmic auditing and watermarking to ensure the security of citizens.
The session underscored the significance of a balanced approach, cultural maturity, and establishing guidelines for AI development. Krish Ashok highlighted this, stating, "AI is now promising post-death avatars. As a society, how should we look at the changes happening so fast? Cultural maturity is crucial to understanding."
The interview concluded with a discussion on AI`s role in society, stressing the importance of transparency, the need to identify AI systems, and developing strategies to promote unbiased hiring in AI development.