"Chemmeen is a living story," said Sheela. "Following my mother`s wish, I acted in the movie "Chemmeen." Famous Malayalam actress Sheela opened up at the seventh edition of KLF. Sheela joined Anita Nair, the translator of `Chemmeen`, a novel written by Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai, in the session. Sheela said that she opted for acting in `Chemmeen` by skipping an MGR movie opportunity, and it changed her life. She also shared her experiences working with popular yesteryear heroes Madhu and Satyan. She proudly said that Chemmeen is and will always be an eternal, immortal cinema and will always remain alive. `While translating the novel, there were many difficulties, but it was done with great joy because `Chemmeen` was a movie that I watched when I was very young", Anita Nair said. She completed the English translation of the novel within two years. Anita also mentioned her favourite part of the novel. "While translating the novel, I had real faces in mind—not characters but the real faces of actors Sathyan, Madhu, and Sheela," Anita clarified. She also added that there were many doubts about translating the dialogue of `Ente Kochumuthalali` into English. Manjusha Radhakrishnan moderated the session and concluded it by opening the floor for discussion with the audience.