"Nowadays, terms like Maithri and fraternity are used only figuratively," says Sunil P. Illayidam. Nowadays, terms like Maithri and fraternity are used only figuratively, says the renowned Indian writer, orator, and critic, Sunil P. Ilayidam, while giving a thought-provoking presentation of his book called `Maithriyude Lokajeevitham` at the Kerala Literature Festival. Dr. P. Hemanth Kumar introduced the author and his book, which is a compilation of twelve socio-politically relevant essays including topics like `critical spirituality`, `Skaria Zakaria`s philosophy of wisdom`, `Ambedkar`s constitutional philosophy`, and so on. These essays contain attempts to evaluate the concepts of fraternity and the essence of `Maitri` in the light of various concepts of our socio-historical-ideological lives. Sunil P. Ilayidam explained the origin of Maitri. Its origin is believed to be Buddhist ideologies, where it is depicted as a broad concept of selfless dedication that every person must have with his co-existing beings. He also commented on the self-centric nature that may emerge in society while having both independence and equality in a place where one person might experience violations of rights whereas another may be able to live his life with freedom and dignity. He also stated the remarkable role Dr B. R. Ambedkar and Sri Narayana Guru played in the uplifting of the concept of Maithri and gave an account of democracy, saying that it shouldn`t be a form of politics but also a way of life where politics should be empathetic too. After a detailed take on fascism by the guest speakers, the session concluded with the floor being declared open for audience interaction.