"Bear With Me, Amma," a translation of the book "Ammakkyu," written by M. T. Vasudevan Nair, was presented in the 52nd session of the Kerala Literature Festival. The translation was done by Gita Krishnankutti. M. T. Vasudevan Nair shared how he would send his works under different names, including V. N. Thekkeppatt and Koodallur Vasudevan Nair, to the same magazine for publishing. He elaborated on his memories about his mother and childhood. He also lamented the loss of unity and harmony among the people. On the same note, he spoke about how not reading anything makes him feel a void within. In response to N. E. Sudheer`s inquiry regarding his dislike of laughing, he stated that laughter is a virtue and not appropriate for everyone. Fame makes one happy, amused, and thoughtful, M.T. added. He also talked at length about the inevitable nature of death. Moutushi Mukherjee introduced the speakers, and Gita Krishnankutti described her experiences while translating each book of the noted author in the session.