Renowned Malayalam actress Sheela illuminated the esteemed Kerala Literature Festival (KLF) with her iconic presence, adding a cinematic flair to the gathering. With a distinguished career spanning six decades, Sheela shared profound insights into the evolution of the Malayalam film industry, captivating the audience among literary luminaries and cultural enthusiasts. In a compelling narrative of Sheela`s illustrious journey, M S Dileep`s latest book, "Sheela Paranja Jeevitham," delves into the rich history of Malayalam cinema. Sheela, a trailblazer in the industry, not only holds a world record for the most films with the same hero but has also made her mark as a film star, director, painter, and writer. The book intricately weaves the threads of Sheela`s remarkable life, offering a glimpse into her unparalleled contributions to Malayalam cinema. Her enduring impact on the film industry is highlighted through the longevity of her career and the unique records she holds, solidifying her status as a living legend in Indian cinema. Beyond her acting prowess, Sheela`s versatility shines through as the book explores her roles as a director, painter, and writer. M S Dileep`s narrative not only celebrates Sheela`s cinematic journey but also provides a deeper understanding of the multifaceted woman behind the iconic roles. "Sheela Paranja Jeevitham" stands as a testament to the rich tapestry of Malayalam cinema and the enduring legacy of one of its most iconic figures. This comprehensive portrayal invites readers to immerse themselves in the life and times of Sheela, experiencing the magic of an era that continues to resonate in the hearts of film enthusiasts.