"I lived in a beauty-driven world": Mallika Sarabhai The session centered around Mallika Sarabhai`s book "My Life in Free Fall: My Experiments with Living." The spotlight was on the life and dance of Mallika Sarabhai. Meena T. Pillai started the talk with a question regarding marriage and married life, to which Mallika Sarabhai responded with how dance claims her body and life and added that she lived in a beauty-driven world. Hence, she was always quite conscious of her body and shape. However, presently, she maintains that things have changed. "There is no barrier to anything; you have to live however you want," she added. She wished for men and women alike to attain strength and learn to live as independent members of society. She shared her acting career experiences, which started at the age of fifteen, and her experience of acting with the prominent actor Amitabh Bachchan. She added that dance has brought big changes in her life, and she is glad and proud of the way her life has influenced many, including her followers. She also elaborated on the thorough support that her family extended to her. She ended the session on a critical note for a society that still falls for the aesthetic sense of skin color and fairness and emphasized that for both men and women,it is ultimately important to be human in their truest sense.