The session on public consciousness turned out to be a diverse session in the Kerala Literature Festival. The session led by panellists Krishna Kumar P.S., Dr. Jayaraj M.K., and Shooja S.Y. focused on society`s treatment of disabled children. Through the course of the discussion, a resolution was sought to overcome the problems of the disabled. Krishna Kumar, a social and welfare activist, opined that barriers defining the societal attitude towards the disabled accentuate the problems they face. Social awareness is important. Shooja and Jayaraj suggested various remedies, and approaching disability from the perspective of gender became one of the methods. The session called for a change in attitude toward the disabled. Mental support for the disabled also became a pivotal point of discussion. Jayaraj said that the disabled should not be secluded and added that they are the determined ones. The mindset of foreigners who view the disabled as ones who work hard to achieve their goals served as an example for us to look up to. The recent events in the FIFA World Cup that prioritised disabled people were also touched upon. The session was a change-maker that urged us to change our mindset and treat them as one of us.